"The Stranger I Love"
Director: Martin Gooch & Theresa Godly
Cinematographer: Damian Paul Daniel
Producer: Theresa Godly
Writer: Theresa Godly
Starring: Theresa Godly, Leon Ung, Christian Greenway, Laurence James-Davis
Genre: Short/Drama
Run Time: 12 min 51 sec
When Nina’s beloved son returns from a holiday with his father, the child she is faced with is one she barely recognises. His sudden hostility alarms her, and she embarks on a journey to get her son back.
Verdere steun is nodig om deze heel krachtige, sterk doorleefde kortfilm verder te verspreiden via filmfestivals. Zo vergroten we de bewustwording over deze problematiek van ouderverstoting - Parent-Child Trauma Coerced Attachment and Alienation.
17-26 oktober 2024
BIG SYN International Film Festival
U.K., London
Big Syn Institute is a part of the Centre for Big Synergy (CBS).
CBS is a Civil Society Organisation (CSO) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, a not for profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales
"The Stranger I Love is a powerful reminder to everyone in societies across the world, that children need both parents in their lives, unless there is a justifiable reason that one or both parents should not be.
Parental alienation is a social issue that affects families in every country across every continent, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic group, religion.
When one parent coerces a child to resist and feel hostility towards their safe, loving other parent, this is psychological abuse. To make a child feel that they cannot express love towards their other parent or that they do not need that other parent in their life is also mental abuse and the damage done to that young, innocent mind is far-reaching and sometimes irreparable. The mental torture for parents who are torn from their children for years, never knowing if or when they will ever see them again, is sometimes too much to live with, many take their own lives or suffer from PTSD for many years. On top of missing their children, alienated parents also face long drawn out, expensive family court hearings which cause huge anxiety and are often fruitless because the family court systems in many countries are inept and badly equipped to handle such cases.
This film seeks to raise awareness of the early warning signs of parental alienation, and to let those experiencing these behaviours know that there is help and support available.
Only by raising awareness and starting conversations among the public, the media and most importantly governments, can we start to affect change in the world and prevent families being torn apart. This is a United Nations issue which must be addressed to break the cycle of a broken society for children, young adults and adults."
Theresa Godly, 01-10-2024